
File not found: ieframe.dll

When using Visual Basic 6 with Internet Explorer 7 installed, I encountered such a problem "File not found: c:\windows\system32\ieframe.dll\1" when loading a project.

Usually, the file does exist. Then why we get this problem? Well, the simplest answer is that some control referenced by your project has been replaced by ieframe.dll. I can not tell more since I am barely familiar with VB. Or to be frankly, I am neither not knowledgable of VB nor like it.

So the simplest way is to revert the reference from ieframe.dll to its ancestor. After google it, I find its ancestor is shdocvw.dll. It's in the same directory. Then register it:

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll

Try to launch VB6.exe and load your project again, does the annoy error message disppear?
